Productivity and Efficiency

20 December 2019

muddy tractor tyres

One crucial step in reducing emissions is to consider farm productivity and efficiency.

If you can produce more whilst emitting less you could save costs as well as reducing the carbon footprint of the farm business.

Farm‑level emissions come from a range of sources, including:

  • Use of fossil fuels
  • Manufactured inputs
  • Manure
  • Animal digestion processes
  • Cultivation of soils
  • Changes in land use and vegetation

A carbon audit will help you to identify your emission sources. You can then decide how you might be able to limit these while maintaining the productivity of your business.

Becky Wilson, Project Officer for the Farm Carbon Cutting Toolkit, outlines the first steps to ‘improving efficiency, profitability and sustainability through reducing farm emissions’ in her blog for Agricology.

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