What we do

Field margins supporting pollinators

Championing the Farmed Environment is a partnership which supports farmers to deliver environmental benefits within a productive farm business.

We provide guidance and support to allow more farmers to manage their land in a way which works for their business and the environment.

We promote and celebrate the work that many farmers already do to sustain and improve the natural environmental on their farm.

Through CFE, farmers can step up to the challenge of protecting the environment on which their farming businesses depend.

  • CFE recognises the importance of environmentally sustainable farming practices to future-proof the agricultural industry and support farmers to produce high quality, sustainable food.
  • We acknowledge the need to adapt to new agricultural and environmental policies which require farmers to deliver greater environmental goods alongside high value produce.
  • CFE holds an important position as the principle industry initiative championing productive farming which delivers environmental goods.

CFE is the only partnership project of its kind and is supported by many organisations committed to both agriculture and the environment.

We work closely with other industry-led initiatives to support the industry in taking collective responsibility for achieving environmental benefit alongside productive farming. Click on the logos and links below to find out more:

Voluntary Initiative Logo_800_378
Tried & Tested Logo_170_134
GGAP logo_800_341

CFE is also supported by major agricultural unions and trade bodies, government agencies, environmental and wildlife organisations. Click on the logos and links below to find out more:

NFU logo on white_275_92
CLA logo_211_113
defra logo_50778
AIC logo_170_123
GWCT logo_800_512
TFA logo_15899

This website provides guidance on environmental management, arranged under four core themes:

You can also download PDF copies of our guidance from our Guidance and Resources page.

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