Summer CFE events planned around the country

24 May 2019

CFE Pollinator event

We are excited to announce plans for three CFE-led events to showcase and promote the benefits of environmental management to support beneficial insects such as pollinators and pest-predators as part of a productive and profitable farm business.

Delivered with support from the Voluntary Initiative, we will be inviting farmers, advisors and other CFE stakeholders to events in the North of England, East Midlands and South West; details to follow so please watch this space or express you interest through our Contact Us page.

We are also pleased to be rounding off our series of regional relaunches with our final event in Yorkshire, kindly hosted by Hill Top Farm in Malham on June 10th.

The event will be an opportunity to hear about the new approach to CFE as we enter the next stage of the partnership. Guests will hear how farmers in the region are integrating environmental work into their business and how the farming community, industry bodies, environmental organisations and the wider supply chain can work together to make CFE a success which will ultimately deliver a better environment in the North of England.

If you would like to attend, please get in touch at [email protected]

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