Inspiring CFE relaunch event in the East Midlands

04 March 2019

EM CFE Relaunch 2019

On Friday 1st March our regional coordinator for the East Midlands, Lesley Sharpe, hosted the first regional events to relaunch CFE across the country.

The panel of presenters included Professor Andrew Lovett (UEA), Joe Stanley (Leicestershire farmer) Phil Jarvis (Allerton Farm Manager & NFU Crops Board), Charlie Wright (Farmacy Agronomist of the Year), Dave Freeman (AIC Policy Manager and CFE Core Group representative), Ben Underwood (CLA East Director) and George Cook (Senior Farm Business Consultant, The Andersons Centre).

Topics of presentation and discussion were framed around the theme of delivering public goods as part of a productive and profitable business. Subjects ranged from the evidence for environmentally and economically sustainable farming practices in river catchment areas to practical examples of voluntary environmental work on farm and the changing policy context of environmental farm management.

The event was well attended by members of the local farmer and farming-advisor community and lunch was kindly provided by Syngenta.

Look out for further details in a forthcoming article in the Farmers Guardian, and check out the ‘Events’ pages for events in your area.

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