CFE and Agricology; working together

18 April 2019

CFE agricology article image

This week I have been down to Daylesford Farm on the edge of Gloucestershire to meet Katie Bliss (Knowledge Exchange Manager) and Lydia Moore (Project Manager) to discuss how CFE and Agricology can work together to support practical, sustainable farming. 

We already work with many of the same organisations, including GWCT, LEAF and Natural England, and we’re singing from the same hymn-sheet when it comes to championing the great work farmers do to care for our environment.

Through their work at the Organic Research Centre, Agricology produce information and guidance on sustainable farming which is relevant and useful to both organic and non-organic farming businesses. They've produced articles of everything from choosing a bull to slug control. Their evidence-based guidance on a wide range of farmed-environment topics is something CFE are keen to highlight to our audience of environmentally-minded farmers and advisors.

Their blogs, vlogs (video-blogs, for the uninitiated) and events are an easy way to access the wealth of expertise brought together from their partners across the agri-environment community. I’m looking forward to working closely with them in the future.

Check them out at

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