Bees’ Needs Week 2021

12 July 2021

CFE Bees’ Needs blog image 2019

Bees’ Needs Week is a campaign from 12-18th July to help raise awareness of bees and other pollinators.

Bees’ Needs Week is an annual event coordinated by CFE partner Defra, who work alongside charities, businesses, conservation groups and academic institutions to raise awareness of bees and other pollinators.

Championing the Farmed Environment are thrilled to be working with Defra and the Nature Friendly Farming Network to promote and celebrate the contribution that farmers and land managers across the country are making to meet bees’ needs.

Follow us on Twitter @CFEonline; during #BeesNeeds Week we will be championing the great work done on farm and highlighting guidance and resources to help the industry do more.

Through Bees’ Needs Week we will be talking the farming perspective of the five simple actions you can take to help pollinators and make sure their populations are sustained:

  1. Grow more flowers, shrubs and trees
  2. Let your garden grow wild
  3. Cut your grass less often
  4. Don’t disturb insect nest and hibernation spots
  5. Think carefully about whether to use pesticides

We’ll also be encouraging as many people as possible to spend 10 minutes in the sun to count insects for the UK’s Pollinator Monitoring Scheme (PoMS)

bees’ needs week 2021 CFE page footer_79492

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