Where soil erosion occurs (e.g. on steep slopes on light soils or natural drainage pathways which channel run-off water), convert the affected area to permanent grassland.
This is an effective way of reducing the loss of your soil and protecting watercourses from sediment and phosphate pollution. Well-managed soils are important, not only for the environment but also for your business.
- Autumn (August/September) is the best time to establish in-field grass strips. If there is a heavy weed burden, spray with a herbicide such as glyphosate or glufosinate before cultivation.
- Create a dense grass sward by natural regeneration or sowing a native grass mix. Remove any compaction in the topsoil if you need to create a seedbed.
- Cut regularly in the first year to control weeds and encourage tillering, and subsequently cut as infrequently as possible, and no more than once every three years.
- Cutting on rotation in March should minimise the risk of run-off and may provide nesting opportunities for birds and bumblebees.
- Do not apply any fertilisers or manures.
- Do not use the grass area for regular vehicle access, turning or storage as this can cause soil compaction.