Use of in-field measures to help ground-nesting birds (arable farming)

01 February 2019


Although creating areas for ground-nesting birds can seem an additional hassle without any direct productivity return, making space for breeding farmland birds on your arable farm can make a big difference for some of the UK’s most struggling species.

Try using rotational fallows, skylark plots in winter cereals or fallow plots to support ground‑nesting birds such as lapwings where spring cropping forms less than 25% of the arable area. Evidence suggests that at least 20 skylark plots or a 1ha fallow plot per 100ha would support ground‑nesting birds.

However, you should avoid creating fallow plots on land liable to runoff or erosion.

Follow these links for guidance on creating skylark and lapwing plots to support nesting and feeding farmland birds.

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